Date: 9th September 2020 | TechExeter |
Track: 1 | Type of session: Keynote |
Start Time: 09:30 | Level: No prior knowledge / entry-level |
Following your Vision, Beating Imposter Syndrome and Living your Dream Life
Note: Speaker information is preliminary and subject to change
Anyone can suffer with Impostor Syndrome and fearing they’re not good enough – it happens to all people and at all levels (especially in tech and even when you’re really successful!). Today we’ll discuss how successful people “re-write” our mental programming to deliver our dream life and vision for the future.
Session takeaways
- how to recognise imposter syndrome
- how to deal with it in yourself and others
- how to face your fears and live your dream
Nicola Whiting MBE is Chief Strategy Officer and co-owner of Titania Group. She is also an Amazon best-selling author and an internationally recognised speaker and writer. She is passionate about business growth, is a board member for Local Enterprise Partnerships and an award-winning business mentor for both local and national business accelerators. In 2019 she was honoured to receive AFCEA Internationals “Sparky Baird” award (for her work in “AI and Nation State Defence”), Inclusive Boards “Diversity Champion of the Year” award and the UK’s inaugural “National Cyber Citizen Award” for her “outstanding contribution to the world of cyber security and protection”.
Awarded an MBE in 2020 for Services to International Trade and Diversity, Nicola advocates for diversity in all forms, believing it leads to broader and ultimately better solutions. She says, “Investors are actively looking for diverse boards and diverse teams, because statistically they create the most successful, profitable companies. Building diversity and inclusion into the centre of what you do and making it part of your corporate DNA, fosters a culture of innovation, growth and resilience – it just makes sense”. More info available here