Date: 10th September 2020 | Digital Exeter |
Track: 1 | Type of session: Talk |
Start Time: 16:15 | Level: No prior knowledge / entry-level |
I’m excited about setting a compelling vision for what I’m working on
Note: Speaker information is preliminary and subject to change
After you've heard this talk, you will go away with a head full of ideas on how you can motivate a team by setting a compelling vision and working with them to realize that vision. You will engage stakeholders, get the outcomes they're imagining out of their heads, and then get people excited about working on something which actually makes those outcomes happen.
Session takeaways
- the value of designing for outcomes rather than outputs and what that means for setting a vision
- the three things we need to get across when we're setting a vision - the context, the outcomes which a solution brings, how we know when those outcomes have been achieved
- ideas for creative ways to set a vision which engage a team and start and keep them working towards it
Dan is a human-centred designer. For over twenty years, he's been helping technical, engineering, creative, design, HR, marketing, events, cultural, and cross-disciplinary teams put users, customers, employees, and people at the centre of whatever they're working on. Dan knows how to find out about users through research; how to set a vision that prioritizes user needs in the context of organizational goals; and how to work with teams to execute that vision to create amazing products and services that deliver real value. Dan is currently working at Bluefruit Software, helping their talented engineering teams drive the quality of embedded software through user-centred design thinking.